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Criminalization of cannabis Led to Inequities Now State Revenues Seek to Address

Chain breaking

Criminalization of Cannabis Led to Inequities Now State Revenues Seek to Address The U.S. criminalization of cannabis (marijuana), starting with the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, has disproportionately impacted the poor and people of color with higher rates of arrests and incarceration. While the federal government still categorizes cannabis as a […]

Herbarium’s Mission for Social Equity: Free The Trappers Campaign and What It Means


Herbarium’s Mission for Social Equity: Free The Trappers Campaign and What It Means Herbarium’s foundational principle lies in the ideology that no one should be in prison for cannabis. Our vision is to be the cannabis brand at the forefront of innovation, equity, and social justice. As the cannabis industry transitions into new milestones such […]

Overturning marijuana convictions is saving lives


Overturning marijuana convictions is saving lives Lorenze spent years in and out of jail, battling homelessness on LA’s Skid Row, due to of a marijuana felony at 18. But now a movement to expunge marijuana convictions is giving him a second chance.